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David Mostardi bought his first Paul Elder book, The Art of the Exposition, in 1994. His Checklist of the Publications of Paul Elder was first published in 1999, and the online checklist debuted in February 2012. A formal bibliography of Elder’s publications was planned but remains unfinished; see this page for the current status.

In 2004, David curated The Best in Books and Art: Paul Elder & Company 1898-1968, an exhibition at the San Francisco Public Library.

In 2023, David gave the Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Lecture on the History of the Book Trade in California and the West at the Book Club of California, in both San Francisco and Pasadena. Concurrent with the Karmiole Lecture was David’s exhibition at the Book Club’s headquarters in San Francisco, Paul Elder: A Literary Life in Seven Bookstores.

You may contact David via email at