
The numbers following each name refer to the checklist number. There is a separate index for Impressions magazine.

Abailard, Pierre, 1
Adams, Cyrus C. (Cyrus Cornelius), 189
Adams, Edward F. (Edward Francis), 81, 141
Addison, Joseph, 293
Alden, Raymond Macdonald, 76, 93, 345
Alexander, Juliette, 339
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Coast Committee, 197
Ames, V. B., 175
Amsden, Dora, 122, 136
Angier, Belle Sumner, 110
Anthony, Helen Virginia, 191
Armes, William Dallam, 337
Arnold, Matthew, 331
Askham, Richard, 187
Axson, Stockton, 5
Bacon, John B. F. (John Baptiste Ford), 92
Bacon, Thomas Rutherford, 279
Ballantyne Hanson & Co., 187
Balzac, Honore de, 405
Banfield, Frank, 89, 208, 290
Barber, Mary D., 367
Barry, John D. (John Daniel), 133, 142, 226
Bates, Laura B. (Laura Brave), 21
Beach, Nathan, 387
Beasley, Thomas Dykes, 344
Bell, Alec C., 89
Bell, Lucia Chase, 202, 294
Bennett, Ella Costillo, 1
Berg, Mr., 385
Bierce, Ambrose, 303
Bing Ding (pseudonym of Mary F. Ledyard), 288
Blanden, Charles G. (Charles Granger), 63
Blow, Ben, 146
Boccaccio, 335
Boggs, Louise E. Shackelford (née Louise Eleanora Shackelford), 119
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 173, 404
Bonestell, Cutler, 399
Bonner, Geraldine, 53
Boswell (pseudonym of S. G. Murphy), 157
Bowie, Henry P. (Henry Pike), 210
Brontë, Emily, 372
Brooks, Fred Emerson, 47
Brown, John, 252
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 311, 312, 313
Browning, Robert, 284, 408
Bulwer, Edward, 409
Burgess, Gelett, 57, 169, 265
Burns, Robert, 77, 420
Byron, Lord, 89, 406
Calder, A. Sterling, 278
Carmel, J. Prosper (pseudonym of Raymond Carter), 35
Carter, Charles Franklin, 325
Carter, Raymond, 35
Chandler, Katherine, 390
Cheney, Warren, 103
Chesterfield, Lord, 155
Childe Harold (pseudonym of Edward Salisbury Field), 61
Churchill, Julia P. (née Julia Patterson), 379
Clark, Charles Walker, 55
Cleaveland, Mrs. E. H. J. (Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn), 200
Clotho (pseudonym of The Spinners’ Club), 246
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 262
Colston & Coy, Ltd., 158
Cooper, Colin Campbell, 51
Courvoisier, Clarice Town, 321
Cowan and Co., Ltd., 75, 270
Creasy, Edward, 84
Creel, George, 249
Crowell, Elsinore Robinson, 26
Cutter, Margarita Porter, 46
d’Arville, Grenville (pseudonym of G. S. Pettis), 209
Daudet, Alphonse, 275
Day, Emily Foster, 179
Day, Mrs. Frank R. (Emily Foster), 243
Dean, Mallette, 127
Decker, Ida Smith, 230
Delehanty, Frances W. (Frances Washington), 371
de Morgan, John, 138
Desel, Delia J. (Delia Jane), 100
Dewar, W. (William), 208
Dickens, Charles, 64, 93, 208, 419
Dimond, Mary B., 56
Dodge, Philip N., 121
Dresser, Horatio W. (Horatio Willis), 354
Durden, James, 270
Dumas, Alexandre, 33
Edwards, Norman D., 150
Eddy, Charlotte M. (née Charlotte Mowbray Dolsen), 382
Edwords, Clarence, 38
Elder, Paul, 49, 107, 120, 166, 188, 196, 207, 300, 328, 400, 402, 403, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418
Eliot, George, 290
Ellsworth, Evelyn Peters, 338
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 108, 123
English Club of Stanford University, 345
Epictetus, 412
Evans, G. Fullerton (George Fullerton), 69
Eyster, Nellie Blessing, 201
Farnham, Phyllis, 389
Farnsworth, Eva Olney, 14
Fellowes, Page, 354
Fénelon, François, 281
Ferguson, Charles, 258
Ferrea, Elizabeth, 240
Field, Edward Salisbury, 61
Field, Walter Taylor, 44, 77, 204, 357
Firth, Violet M. (Violet Mary), 174
Fitch, George Hamlin, 71, 79, 80, 115, 185
Fitzgerald, Edward, 268, 269
Flagg, Isaac, 66, 232
Flaubert, Gustave, 270
Foster, Agness Greene, 3, 9, 44, 72, 34, 245, 341, 376
Foster, Nancy K. (Nancy Kier), 309
Frame, Virginia Woodson, 70
Francis, Philip W., 259
Francis, Walter, 384
Franklin, Benjamin, 239
Freeman, Carrie Stone, 294
Garnett, Porter, 116
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 78
Gayley, Charles Mills, 304
George, St. (pseudonym of Mabel Pearl Malter), 97
Gibbs, Ralph E., 304
Gillick, James J., 382
Glaenzer, Richard Butler, 19
Goldsmith, Oliver, 158, 289
Goldthwaite, Vere, 235
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 12
Goodhue, Isabel, 101, 113, 384
Goodrich, Virginia, 68
Grant, Mrs. Ethel Watts Mumford, see Ethel Watts Mumford
Graupner, Elise Wenzelburger, 290
Gray, Mabel Thayer, 171
Gray, Thomas, 91
Grinnell, Joseph, 197
Guiterman, Arthur, 27, 39, 117, 269, 313
Haines, Jennie Day, 36, 65, 318, 329, 360, 373
Hall, George Eli, 24
Hall, Harvey Monroe, 374
Hall, Carlotta Case, 374
Hamilton, Anthony, 176
Hamlin, John, 11
Hammond, Mrs. John Hays, 37
Hansen, George, 18, 125, 137, 160, 353, 362
Happer, John Stewart, 122
Hardy, Irène, 238
Harker, G. A. (George A.), 322
Harrison, Elsie A., 299
Harrison, Ormeida Curtis, 106
Harte, Bret, 337
Haslett, Harriet Holmes, 88
Hawkins, Thomas S. (Thomas Samuel), 301
Hawthorne, Julian, 249
Hay, Emily P. B. (Emily Parkin Babcock), 365
Heredia, Jose-Maria de, 314
Herford, Oliver, 7, 73, 74, 83, 95, 231, 251, 261, 380
Hetrovo, Nicholai, 401
Hilliker, Douglas H. (Douglas Hagar), 105
Hine, Malcolm, 85
Hitchcock, D. Howard (David Howard), 243
Holden, Marion, 62
Hooker, Katherine, 359
Hovey, William A., 413
Hudson, R. L., 131
Hudson, William H. (William Henry), 319
Hughes, Elisabeth, 382
Hughes, Glen, 317
Hunt, Leigh, 347
Hyde, Robert Wilson, 117, 128, 188
Ilsley, Marshall, 45
Ingersoll, Robert G. (Robert Green), 235
Ingerson, Charles Frank, 39
Ingold, Ernest, 127
Irving, Washington, 206, 263
Irwin, Grace Luce, 90
Irwin, Jr., Wallace, 267
Irwin, Wallace, 98, 168, 169, 178
Jackson, A. E. (Albert Edward), 78
Jackson, Caroline Cooke, 390
James, Gilbert, 269
James, Rita Bell, 294
Jenkins, Will, 27, 255, 303, 376
Jepson, Willie Linn, 291
Jocelyn, Elizabeth Hannah, 200
Johnson, Henry R., 93
Johnson, Merle, 23, 138, 259
Jones, Johnny (pseudonym of Clara Walton), 40, 370
Jones, Mary Joss, 31, 32, 86, 131, 132, 170, 190, 192, 366
Jones, Nina, 199
Jordan, David Starr, 96, 233, 234, 358
Josselyn, Charles, 193
Keeler, Charles, 29, 102, 273, 292
Kellett, Florence, 205
Kellogg, Minnie D. (Minerva Delight), 104
King, Marie West, 256
Kinza, Hirai, 210
Kipling, Rudyard, 2
Kirkham, Stanton Davis, 118, 139, 184, 363
Knapp, Adeline, 349
Krebs, Florence Kellogg, 13
La Rochefoucauld, François duc de, 257
Landor, Gilbert, 335
LaPage, Gertrude, 62
Laurvik, J. Nilsen (John Nilsen), 54, 60
Law, Herbert Edward, 241
L. E. B. (pseudonym of Louise Shackelford Boggs), 119
Le Sage, Alain René, 85
Ledyard, Mary F. (Mary Forman), 288
Lewis, Glad, 129
Lewis, K. D. (Katherine D.), 383
Leland Stanford Jr. English Club of Stanford University, 93
Little, Edna S., 371
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 41, 411
Longley, Snow, 378
Longyear, M. Beecher (Mary Beecher), 99
Lounsbury, Charles, 386
Lowell, James Russell, 356, 357
Louis Roesch Co., 362
Lundborg, Florence, 375
Lyman, G. D. (George Dunlap), 52
MacLafferty, James Henry, 67, 159, 195
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 183
Mackie, Julia Manchester, 106
Malter, Mabel Pearl, 97
Marcel, Adrien, 64, 91, 94, 108, 123, 155, 183, 206, 239, 252, 257, 263, 268, 276, 281, 282, 283, 289, 293, 312, 331, 355, 356, 368, 381, 398, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413
Marcus Aurelius, 283
Margaret of Navarre, 256
Marin, Gertrude, 147
Maybeck, Bernard, 227
McClure, David, 5
McLaren, J. H. (James Henry), 148
McLaren, L. L. (Caroline ‘Linie’ Loyall), 124
Meyer, Virginia, 295, 296, 297, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396
Michaëlis, Karin, 60
Mickiewicz, Adam, 310
Miles, Hesketh, 75
Millard, Bailey, 307
Miller, Emily Clark Huntington, 164
Milton, John, 204
Mizner, Addison, 7, 73, 74, 83, 95, 161, 231, 251, 261, 380
Morris, William, 410
Morrow, W. C. (William Chambers), 303
Morton, Adeline Drinkwater, 180
Mukerji, Dhan Gopal, 28, 153, 254, 274
Mullgardt, Louis C. (Louis Christian), 11
Mumford, Ethel Watts, 7, 19, 73, 74, 83, 95, 149, 161, 231, 251, 261, 380
Murdock, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 22, 45, 140, 203, 238, 307, 319
Murison, E. L. (Elizabeth Livingstone), 315
Murphy, Mary P., 327
Murphy, S. G. (Samuel Green), 157
Nash, Charles Sumner, 377
Neal, Stratford & Kerr, 22
Neera (pseudonym of Anna Zuccari Radius), 315
Nelson, Horatio, 156
Nesbit, Wilbur D. (Wilbur Dick), 6
Neuhaus, Eugen, 16, 109, 228, 271
Neustadt, Eugène, 266
Newhall, Virginia Whiting, 397
Newman, Fanny Hodges, 225
Nichols, William F. (William Ford), 302
Norris, Frank, 330
North, Arthur Walbridge, 189
Northup, John Wood, 306
O’Keefe, Rev. Henry E., 286, 287
Ogden, Friederika Quitman, 348
An Old Maid (pseudonym of Laura B. Bates), 21
O’Reilly, John Boyle, 413
Ovid, 15
Palmer, Fanny Purdy, 308
Partington, Gertrude, 106
Partsch, Herman, 181
Penn, William, 407
Pennoyer, Virginia, 264
Perrett, Galen J. (Galen Joseph), 53, 255
Perry, Stella G. S. (Stella George Stern), 68, 162, 278
Pettis, G. S. (Grenville Stevens), 209
Pissard, Harold, 85
Poe, Edgar Allan, 255
Pope, Prof. Arthur Upham, 153
Potter, Cora Brown, 280
Potter, Elizabeth Gray, 171
Pride, Sydney, 290
Purdy, Helen Throop, 272
Radius, Anna Zuccari, 315
Raymond, Maud Wotring, 11
Reid, Stephen, 33
Re Vley, Capt. D. Gordon E., 129
Rhodes, William H. (William Henry), 53
Rich, Winifred, 343
Riverside Press, 33
Roberts, Maud Adams, 421
Roberts, Myrtle Glenn, 105
Robinson, Charles Mulford, 51
Rogers, Robert Cameron, 237
Ross, Blake, 112
Ross, Gordon, 24, 65, 178, 246, 360
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 75
Roycrofters, 66, 232
Ryder, Grizzly, 399
Ryle, Charles W., 15
Saylor, Emma R. (Emma Rosalyn), 150
Sazanami, Iwaya, 210
Schaeffer, Rudolph F. (Rudolph Frederick), 150, 198, 367
Schmidt, Florence M., 4, 305
Schnitzler, Arthur, 244
Scott, Walter, 176
Scripps, Robert Paine, 352
Seale, Emma S. (Emma Scott), 147
Sekko, Shimada, 96, 210
Shaffner, Lillyan, 167
Sharman, Lyon, 25
Shaw, Albert, 42
Shepard, Morgan, 30, 165, 172, 203, 300, 323
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 236, 276
Sichel, Harold, 167, 269, 313, 342
Simonds, William Day, 324
Smith, Abbie Nova, 87
Smith, Bertha H. (Bertha Henry), 375
Smith, Bradetta L. (Bradetta Loring), 43
Smith, Laura M. Greer, 194
Smith, Lucia Etta, 43, 50
Smith, Paul Jordan, 316
Smith, Sydney, 368
Somerville, Howard, 275
Sophocles, 10
Sosso, Lorenzo, 140, 224
Southworth, May E. (May Elizabeth), 114, 182, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223
Spalding, Phebe Estelle, 177, 333, 369, 388
Spence, Mary Sullivan, 229
Sperry, Charlotte G. (Charlotte Grace), 336
The Spinners’ Club, 246, 320
Stanley-Taylor Co., 1, 29, 37, 62, 64, 91, 94, 102, 103, 108, 119, 121, 123, 143, 155, 169, 172, 183, 186, 206, 209, 233, 239, 252, 257, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 276, 281, 282, 283, 289, 293, 312, 314, 323, 331, 355, 356, 359, 368, 381, 398, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413
Stellman, Louis J. (Louis John), 350
Sterne, Laurence, 285
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 279, 355, 398
Stiles, Pauline, 198
Stoops, Herbert Morton, 13
Stothard, Thomas, 285
Stone, Ella Blake, 82
Strickland, Dwight, 144
Stricklen, Edward, 116
Tailor, John (pseudonym of Morgan Shepard), 165
Taylor & Taylor, 127
Taylor, Edward Robeson, 143, 152, 186, 314, 340
Taylor, Nash & Taylor, 116, 142, 143, 374
Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 94, 135, 381
Tharp, Newton J. (Newton James), 250
Thomas, E. Standard (Edgar Standard), 277
Thompson, Susan F., 346
Tiffany, Esther Brown, 342
Todd, Frank Morton, 227
Torchiana, H. A. van Coenen (Henry Albert), 48, 126, 326
Trask, John E. D. (Ellingwood Donnell), 54
Twentieth Century Press, 10, 24, 83, 145, 165
Tyler, Frances Woodward, 20
Underwood, Edna Worthley, 310
Van Dresser, Jasmine Stone, 163
Van Dresser, William T. (William Thatcher), 163
Ventura, L. D. (Luigi Donato), 315
Vittel, 134
Vogt, Theodor, 250
Wallace, Robert, 26
Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., 84, 85, 89, 135, 173, 176, 208, 275, 285
Walton, Clara, 40, 370
Warner, Beulah, 58
Warner, Fred Carpenter, 351
Washington, Lee, 332
Wells, Audley B. (Audley Barnard), 14, 47, 171, 334, 378
Wethered, James Sykes, 111
Wheelan, Albertine Randall, 279, 336, 337
Wheeler, Harold F. B. (Harold Felix Baker), 173
Whitaker, Herman, 361
White, Margaret Beecher, 163
Whiting, Robert Rudd, 23
Whitman, Walt, 282
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 298
Whyte, Wolmer, 78, 236, 285
Wilke, William H. (William Hancock), 325
Williams, Cora Lenore, 17, 106
Willis, Mrs. Ambrose Madison, 299
Willmarth, A. F. (Arthur Field), 21, 364
Willmarth, Cora D. (Cora Dudley), 364
Wilson, Edgar, 15, 33, 75, 78, 84, 85, 89, 135, 156, 158, 173, 176, 208, 236, 270, 275, 285, 290, 335, 372
Wilson, Woodrow, 242
Winslow, Carleton Monroe, 12
Withrow, Evelyn Almond, 379
Wood, Robert Williams, 8, 130
Woodbury, Mrs. Charles J. (née Lucia Prudence Hall), 240
Wright, J. Malmesbury, 260
Wright, (William) Spencer (also credited as W. S. Wright and W. Spencer Wright), 3, 65, 110, 154, 179, 360, 373, 385
Yates, Katherine M. (Katherine Merritte), 334
Young, Janet M., 247, 248