A Literary Life in Seven Bookstores

I was honored and delighted to accept the Book Club of California’s invitation to give the 2023 Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Lecture on the History of the Book Trade in California and the West, which I entitled “Paul Elder: A Literary Life in Seven Bookstores.” I spoke in San Francisco at the BCC headquarters on November 6, and in Pasadena at the Blinn House on November 8. You can find a recording of my Pasadena lecture on Youtube here.

Here are some photos from the San Francisco talk:

I was clearly animated about something.

Two honored guests! Paul Elder’s granddaughter and great-granddaughter: Jean Rodgers, and her daughter Meg Rodgers.

With my friend Isak Lindenauer, who generously loaned the art objects on display in the exhibition
The lovely keepsake printed by Andre Chaves at the Clinker Press in Portland, Oregon.

And from the Pasadena talk: