Apologies for the downtime — we’re back online

Dear Readers,

The website has been unresponsive for several weeks now, and for that I apologize. I was on holiday in Canada and did not notice the problem until my return. The issue has been resolved and I am adding a few more safeguards in hopes that it will not happen again.

Thanks for visiting paulelder.org!


End of an exhibition

I’ve always been sad to see the end of something that I’ve worked hard on. Why exactly must all good things come to an end? Thanks to all of you who came to see my Paul Elder exhibition at the Book Club of California.

Now it’s just an empty bookcase

It’s the final week for the exhibition!

You have just a few days left to see my Paul Elder exhibition at the Book Club of California, which closes Monday. Your best bet is to attend Monday night’s program, “The Life, Motto, and Library of William Walker.” Hope to see you there!

Case 2, rear


There’s still time to see the Paul Elder exhibition!

My exhibition of Paul Elder books is on display at the Book Club of California through February 12. You may make an appointment by calling 415.781.7532, or by attending one of the in-person events (free of charge, but registration required). The Club is located at 312 Sutter, Suite 500, in San Francisco, conveniently located right next to the Sutter-Stockton garage.

Case 1, front
Case 1, rear
Case 2, front
Case 2, rear

A Literary Life in Seven Bookstores

I was honored and delighted to accept the Book Club of California’s invitation to give the 2023 Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Lecture on the History of the Book Trade in California and the West, which I entitled “Paul Elder: A Literary Life in Seven Bookstores.” I spoke in San Francisco at the BCC headquarters on November 6, and in Pasadena at the Blinn House on November 8. You can find a recording of my Pasadena lecture on Youtube here.

Here are some photos from the San Francisco talk:

I was clearly animated about something.

Two honored guests! Paul Elder’s granddaughter and great-granddaughter: Jean Rodgers, and her daughter Meg Rodgers.

With my friend Isak Lindenauer, who generously loaned the art objects on display in the exhibition
The lovely keepsake printed by Andre Chaves at the Clinker Press in Portland, Oregon.

And from the Pasadena talk: