Do any of Elder’s bookstores still exist?

No. However, four buildings that once housed Elder’s stores still exist. Here are the details:

  • Mills Building, northeast corner of Bush & Montgomery, San Francisco. Elder’s shop was a room on the mezzanine. The building was burned out in the 1906 earthquake and fire, but the shell was saved and the interior rebuilt. The Mills Building still stands today.
  • 238 Post, San Francisco. Destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire. The structure built in its place, numbered 250 Post, became the longtime home of Gump’s, the famous luxury furnishings store. When Gump’s moved to 135 Post in 1995, a Zara store took its place. In 2019, Gump’s returned to 250 Post, occupying just the right side of the building; Zara remains in the center and left sections.
  • 22 Chapala, Santa Barbara. Demolished.
  • 1203 State at Anapamu, Santa Barbara. Uncertain, but probably not any of the existing buildings at this location.
  • Bush & Van Ness, San Francisco. Demolished. Now the site of a five-story hotel called the Calista Organic Hotel.
  • 43-45 East 19th St, 4th floor, New York City. The building has been converted to residential apartments, with a restaurant on the street level.
  • 239 Grant, San Francisco. Built in 1909 as the “Paul Elder Building,” it still stands at the corner of Grant and Tillman Place.
  • Booth at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Demolished when the Fair closed in November 1915.
  • 239 Post, San Francisco. Now numbered 237 Post, the building is a Graff Diamonds store.
  • Sutter & Stockon, San Francisco. Demolished circa 1969. Now the site of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
  • Mills Building. Paul Jr. opened a small satellite shop at 228 Montgomery Street in order to serve the downtown business community. This retail space still exists today, to the left of the main entrance .

What is a tomoyé?

The Japanese word tomoe () refers to a comma-shaped symbol. There are hundreds of traditional Japanese tomoe designs. The most common variant is the three-tomoe design called mitsudomoe (三つ巴), which, according to Japanese tradition, creates the harmony of a perfect circle. Here are some examples of tomoe, taken from the book Japanese Design Motifs, by Fumie Adachi, Dover, 1972.

Examples of tomoe
Examples of tomoe
More examples
More examples

The tomoe has been a favorite symbol in Japanese heraldry for centuries. Today, the mitsudomoe has become popular with corporations and taiko drum troupes.

Elder first used the mitsudomoe design in 1900, which he anglicized as the word “tomoyé” (sometimes with the acute accent, sometimes without), and it became a logo of sorts for him. He used it in many books and magazines over the next two decades. When he hired John Henry Nash to run the new in-house printing shop in 1903, it was christened “The Tomoyé Press”.

Although it is unknown why Elder chose the tomoyé, he likely wanted to emphasize the connection between the Orient and his own book arts. Below are just a few of the many tomoyé marks Paul Elder used over his career.

Some of Elder's many tomoye marks
Some of Elder’s many tomoye marks
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When will you publish the bibliography?

I started with publishing the Checklist for three reasons: it established a baseline of Elder’s output, it was a chunk of work that could be completed in a reasonable time frame, and I had an eager publisher. A bibliography, one that I would feel proud to call my own, is a work of far larger scope. The logistical problems are daunting:

  • after 25 years of searching, there are still titles of which I have never seen a single copy
  • many of Elder’s books were published in multiple bindings, and/or special marketing names, and/or matching slipcases
  • Elder published a large amount of ephemera: calendars, greeting cards, postcards, mottoes, etc.
  • a huge amount of material was surely destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire
  • further material was no doubt lost during each bookstore move, and when the company was closed in 1968

And, of course, at the end of the road I would still need to find a publisher. So, a bibliography may happen, but you’ll have to wait a while.

updated 2024-10-07

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