
The following are addenda and corrigenda to the printed 2nd edition Checklist published in 2004. When the online checklist debuted in 2012, this list of errata was fairly small. Since then, however, the number of changes has grown, including twenty new titles and many corrections. All of the printed checklists are now considerably out of date. I recommend that you always consult the online checklist instead.


Books and Pamphlets

400. The Supremacy of God’s Law, by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #1
401. milk rhythm flame, by Nicholai Hetrovo. 1937.
402. Knowing the Truth, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #2
403. God’s Ever Presence, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #3
404. Addresses and Anecdotes, by Napoleon Bonaparte. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #25
405. Selections from Prose, by Honore de Balzac. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #26
406. Poems of Sentiment, by Lord Byron. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #27
407. Some Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #28
408. Men and Women, by Robert Browning. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #30
409. The Destruction of Pompeii, by Edward Bulwer. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #31
410. Golden Wings, by William Morris. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #32
411. Evangeline, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #33
412. Selections from Epictetus, by Epictetus. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #34
413. Selected Poems, by John Boyle O’Reilly. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Introduction by William A. Hovey. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #36
414. The Open Door, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #4
415. The Truth, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #5
416. The Divine Idea, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #6
417. Forgiveness, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #7
418. Material Needs, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #8
419. Mr Pickwick Is Sued For Breach Of Promise, by Charles Dickens. 1907. Langham Library of Humour #1. Simultaneously published by Siegle Hill & Co., London and Musson Book Company Ltd., Toronto. Perhaps also printed by Siegle, Hill & Co.
420. The Jolly Beggars, by Robert Burns. 1907. Langham Library of Humour #2. Simultaneously published by Siegle Hill & Co., London and Musson Book Company Ltd., Toronto. Perhaps also printed by Siegle, Hill & Co.
421. The Adventurous Bowman, by Maud Adams Roberts. 1915. Privately printed.

Selected Catalogues

C19. The Catalogue of the First Annual Exhibition and Sale of the Guild of Arts and Crafts, held in the Maple Room of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California. Tomoye Press, 1903. [Held 10-12 December 1903]
C20. Catalogue From a Western Publisher, 1904.


Adams, Cyrus C., 189
Banfield, Frank, 89, 208, 290
Bell, Alec C., 89
Crowell, Elsinore Robinson, 26
Cutter, Margarita Porter, 46
Dewar, W., 208
Dresser, Horatio W., 354
Ferrea, Elizabeth, 240
Field, Walter Taylor, 44, 77, 204, 357
Goodrich, Virginia, 68
Hall, Carlotta Case, 374
Holden, Marion, 62
Hovey, William A., 413
Ingerson, Charles Frank, 39
James, Gilbert, 269
Johnson, Henry R., 93
Lewis, Glad, 129
Mackie, Julia Manchester, 106
Partington, Gertrude, 106
Pride, Sydney, 290
Roberts, Maud Adams, 421
Ryle, Charles W., 15
Van Dresser, William T., 163
White, Margaret Beecher, 163
Young, Ellsworth, 6

Series Index

S10. Langham Library of Humour (2 titles), 419, 420
S11. The Critic Travels (2 titles), 79, 80
S12. Small Talks on Card Games (9 titles), 295, 296, 297, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396


Books and Pamphlets

1. Abelard and Helioseby Ella Costillo Bennett. Limited edition of 500, 1907. Trade edition, 1911.
6. An Alphabet of History, by Wilbur D. Nesbit. Illustrations by Ellsworth Young. 1905.
15. The Art of Love, by Ovid. 1907. Introduction by Charles W. Ryle. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #9.
18. The Ascent of Man, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard c1902. Baby Roland Booklets #2. No printer given.
19. The Auto Guest Book, by Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant and Richard Butler Glaenzer. 1906.
26. Behind the Garden Wall, by Robert Wallace. 1913. Illustrations by Elsinore Robinson Crowell.
33. The Black Tulip, by Alexandre Dumas. 1907. Frontispiece by Stephen Reid. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by the Riverside Press, Edinburgh. Panel Books #19.
39. A Book of Hospitalities and a Record of Guests, by Arthur Guiterman. 1910. Embellishments by Charles Frank Ingerson.
46. California & The Opening of Gateway Between the Atlantic and the Pacific, by Margarita Porter Cutter [uncredited]. Tomoye Press (Funke). October 1916.
55. Library of Charles W. Clark. Privately printed at the Tomoye Press (Nash). 1911.
60. The Child Andrea, by Karin N. Michaëlis. 1916. Translated from the Danish by J. Nilsen Laurvik. No printer given.
62. The Children of the Thornwreath, by Gertrude LaPage. Illustrations by Marion Holden. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
64. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #16.
68. The Clever Mouse, by Stella George Perry. 1916. Illustrations by Virginia Goodrich.
75. The Confessions of Rousseau, by Jean Jacques Rousseau. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Introduction by Hesketh Miles. Printed by Cowan and Co., Ltd., Perth. Panel Books #14.
76. Consolatio, by Raymond Macdonald Alden. 1904.
77. The Cotter’s Saturday Night And Other Poems, by Robert Burns. 1907. Introduction by Walter Taylor Field. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #1.
78. Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell. 1907. Frontispiece by A. E. Jackson. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #10.
82. A Cycle of Gleanings, compiled by Ella Blake Stone. 1909. Limited edition of 100.
84. Decisive Battles of the World, by Edward Creasy. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #5.
85. The Devil on Two Sticks, by Alain René Le Sage. 1907. Frontispiece by Harold Pissard. Introduction by Malcolm Hine. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #6.
89. Don Juan, by Lord Byron. 1907. Frontispiece by Alec C. Bell. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #2.
91. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #22.
93. Elizabethan Humours and the Comedy of Ben Jonson, by The Leland Stanford Junior English Club of Stanford University. Cover artwork by Henry R. Johnson. 1905.
94. Enoch Arden, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #19.
106. The Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition, by Cora Lenore Williams. Illustrations by Gertrude Partington. Poetry by Ormeida Curtis Harrison. Cover by Julia Manchester Mackie. 1916.
108. Friendship and Love, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #5.
123. Heroism and Character, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #6.
125. His Calculations, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard c1902. Baby Roland Booklets #5. No printer given.
129. How to Fly, by Captain D. Gordon E. Re Vley. Arranged by Glad Lewis. 1917.
135. Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 1907. Frontispiece by Stephen Reid. Introduction by Gilbert Fell. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #16.
137. In Company, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard 1903. Baby Roland Booklets #4. No printer given.
144. Islanded, by Dwight Strickland. 1933. Printed by Thing Wan Printing Company.
145. Items of Family History, by Pauline Stiles. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited edition of 24. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
155. Chesterfield’s Letters to His Son, by Lord Chesterfield. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #4.
156. Letters to Lady Hamilton, by Horatio Nelson. 1907 .Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printer unknown. Panel Books #12.
157. The Life of a Successful Banker, by His Boswell [pseudonym of Samuel Green Murphy]. 1905. Limited edition of 55.
163. The Little Brown Hen Hears the Song of the Nightingale, by Jasmine Stone Van Dresser. Introduction by Margaret Beecher White. Illustrations by William T. Van Dresser. 1908.
167. Love & Friendship, by Lillyan Shaffner. 1910. Decorations by Harold Sichel.
158. The Life of “Beau” Nash, by Oliver Goldsmith. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Colston & Coy, Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #3.
173. The Maxims of Napoleon, by Napoleon Bonaparte. 1907. Introduction by Harold F. B. Wheeler. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #20.
176. Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Anthony Hamilton. 1907. Introduction by Walter Scott. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #1.
179. The Menehunes, by Emily Foster Day. Illustrations by Spencer Wright. 1905.
183. Milton, by Thomas Babington Macaulay. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #11.
189. The Mother of California, by Arthur Walbridge North. Introduction by Cyrus C. Adams. 1908.
204. Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, by John Milton. 1907. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #2.
206. Old Christmas, by Washington Irving. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #13.
208. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. 1907. Frontispiece by W. Dewar. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #8.
209. Omega et Alpha, by Greville d’Arville [pseudonym of Grenville Stevens Pettis]. Elder & Shepard 1899. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
229. The Passing of an Oak, by Mary Sullivan Spence. Limited edition of twelve copies. 1909.
236. Sheridan’s Plays, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 1907. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. No printer listed. Panel Books #7.
237. Poem Delivered at the Dedication of the Pan-American Exposition, by Robert Cameron Rogers. 1901. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
239. Poor Richard’s Almanac, by Benjamin Franklin. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #9.
240. The Potato Child & Others, by Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury. Frontispiece after a bas-relief by Elizabeth Ferrea. 1910.
252. Rab and His Friends, and Marjorie Fleming, by Dr. John Brown. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #15.
255. The Raven, and The Philosophy of Composition, by Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrations by Galen J. Perrett. Decorations by Will Jenkins. 1907. Limited edition of 1000.
257. Reflections and Moral Maxims, by François duc de La Rochefoucauld. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #3.
263. Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #14.
268. Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, by Edward Fitzgerald. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #18.
269. Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám, by Edward Fitzgerald. 1909. Reprinted 1911. With “The Literal Omar,” edited by Arthur Guiterman. Illustrations by Gilbert James. Decorations by Harold Sichel.
270. Salambo, by Gustave Flaubert. 1907. Frontispiece by James Durden. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Cowan and Co., Ltd., Perth. Panel Books #17.
275. Sapho, by Alphonse Daudet. 1907. Frontispiece by Howard Somerville. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #13.
276. The School For Scandal, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #23.
280. The Secrets of Beauty & Mysteries of Health, by Cora Brown Potter. 1908.
281. Selections from Fénelon, by François Fénelon. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #2.
282. Selections from Leaves of Grassby Walt Whitman. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #21.
283. Selections from Marcus Aurelius, by Marcus Aurelius. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #1.
285. A Sentimental Journey, by Laurence Sterne. 1907. Frontispiece by Thomas Stothard. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #18.
289. She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #24.
290. Silas Marner, by George Eliot. 1907. Frontispiece by Sydney Pride. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #4.
293. Sir Roger de Coverley, by Joseph Addison. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #12.
304. Songs of Content, by Ralph E. Gibbs. Introduction by Charles Mills Gayley. 1903. Second edition 1911.
312. Sonnets from the Portuguese, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #17.
315. The Soul of an Artist, by Neera [pseudonym of Anna Zuccari Radius]. Translated by E. L. Murison. Introduction by L. D. Ventura. 1905. Reprinted 1906.
330. The Surrender of Santiago, by Frank Norris. 1917.
331. Sweetness and Light, by Matthew Arnold. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #7.
335. Tales from the Decamerone, by Boccaccio. 1907. Introduction by Gilbert Landor. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by the Riverside Press Ltd, Edinburgh. Panel Books #11.
336. Teddy Sunbeam, by Charlotte Grace Sperry. Illustrations by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 1905.
345. The True Historie of the Knyght of the Burning Pestle, by the English Club of Stanford University. Elder & Shepard 1903.
353. Vespers, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard 1902. Baby Roland Booklets #1. No printer given.
354. Victory Crowned, by Page Fellowes. 1916. Introduction by Horatio W. Dresser.
355. Virginibus Puerisque, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Co. Paul Elder c1903, printed at Tomoyé Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #8.
356. The Vision of Sir Launfal, by James Russell Lowell. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #20.
367. Winter Butterflies in Bolinas, by Mary D. Barber. Decorations by Rudolph F. Schaeffer. 1918.
368. Wit and Wisdom of Sidney Smith, by Sidney Smith. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #10.
372. Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printer unknown. Panel Books #15.
374. A Yosemite Flora, by Harvey Monroe Hall and Carlotta Case Hall. 1912. Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor.
378. Sonnets of Spinsterhood, by Snow Longley. Decorations by Audley B. Wells. 1915.
381. The Holy Grail, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #35.
398. Will o’ the Mill, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #29.

Series Index

S8. Vest Pocket Helps (8 titles, incorrectly titled Vest Pocket Tracts in the printed checklists), 400, 402, 402, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418


Alden, Raymond Macdonald, 76, 93, 345
Bacon, John B. F., 92
Burns, Robert, 77, 420
Dickens, Charles, 64, 93, 208, 419
English Club of Stanford University, 345
Guiterman, Arthur, 27, 39, 117, 269, 313
Haines, Jennie Day, 36, 65, 318, 329, 360, 373
Hall, Harvey Monroe, 374
Laurvik, J. Nilsen, 54, 60
Malter, Mabel P., 97
St. George (pseudonym of Mabel P. Malter), 97
Schaeffer, Rudolph F., 150, 198, 367
Shaffner, Lillyan, 167
Sichel, Harold, 167, 269, 313, 342
Smith, Laura M. Greer, 194
Stanley-Taylor Co., 1, 29, 37, 62, 64, 91, 94, 102, 103, 108, 119, 121, 123, 143, 155, 169, 172, 183, 186, 206, 209, 233, 239, 252, 257, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 276, 281, 282, 283, 289, 293, 312, 314, 323, 331, 355, 356, 359, 368, 381, 398, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413
Stiles, Pauline, 145, 198
Wheelan, Albertine Randall, 279, 336, 337
Wright, (William) Spencer (also credited as W. S. Wright and W. Spencer Wright), 3, 65, 110, 154, 179, 360, 373, 385

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