The Checklist

Everything with a bibliographical title page has been included on this list, with the understanding that there exist a great variety of bindings, often within the same title. Unless otherwise specified, all items were published by Paul Elder & Company, and printed by the Tomoye Press. The individual Tomoye Press printers (Nash, Swart, Funke, Orozco) were not originally indicated, but I am slowly adding them. Ephemera such as leaflets, calendars, postcards, and other such items without a title page have not been included here, but have been given their own section of the website. Since the compilation of this checklist in 1999, further research has prompted me to remove ten items (57, 134, 216, 219, 228, 262, 284, 291, 298, 311) from the list; these are printed in light grey type.

In the initial edition of the checklist (items 1-376), items were placed in alphabetical order. Four of those titles (20, 55, 155, 236) now appear out of order due to being originally listed with a title that proved to be inaccurate. The checklist was extended three times for new editions of the print version, and alphabetical order was applied within each extension. Since the checklist went online in 2010, new titles have been added upon discovery, and thus alphabetical order no longer applies there.

For a guide to the (now out-of-date) paper checklists, please consult the checklist printing history.

Checklist of the Publications of Paul Elder & Co.

1. Abelard and Heliose, by Ella Costillo Bennett. Limited edition of 500, 1907. Trade edition, 1911.
2. The Absent-Minded Beggar, by Rudyard Kipling. Elder & Shepard 1900.
3. Admonitions, by Agness Greene Foster. Decorations by Spencer Wright. 1905. Bible Mosaics #3.
4. Adoration, by Florence M. Schmidt. 1911.
5. After the War – What?, by Stockton Axson. 1917. Printed by David McClure.
6. An Alphabet of History, by Wilbur D. Nesbit. Illustrations by Ellsworth Young. 1905.
7. The Altogether New Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1907, by Ethel Watts Mumford, Oliver Herford and Addison Mizner. 1906.
8. Animal Analogues, by Robert Williams Wood. Illustrations by the author. 1908. Reprinted 1911.
9. Answers, by Agness Greene Foster. 1905. Bible Mosaics #4.
10. Antigone, by Sophocles. Elder & Shepard 1902. Paul Elder 1903. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
11. The Architecture & Landscape Gardening of the Exposition, Introduction by Louis C. Mullgardt. Text by Maud Wotring Raymond and John Hamlin. 1915. Two printings 1915.
12. The Architecture and Gardens of the San Diego Exposition. Introduction by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, text by Carleton Monroe Winslow. 1916.
13. Army Goose Melodies, by Florence Kellogg Krebs. Illustrations by Herbert Morton Stoops. 1910.
14. The Art and Ethics of Dress, by Eva Olney Farnsworth. Illustrations by Audley B. Wells. 1915.
15. The Art of Love, by Ovid. 1907. Introduction by Charles W. Ryle. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #9.
16. The Art of the Exposition, by Eugen Neuhaus. 1915. Four printings 1915.
17. As If, by Cora Lenore Williams. 1914.
18. The Ascent of Man, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard c1902. Baby Roland Booklets #2. No printer given.
19. The Auto Guest Book, by Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant and Richard Butler Glaenzer. 1906.
20. In The Beginning, compiled by Frances Woodward Tyler. 1911.
21. Bachelor Bigotries, by An Old Maid [pseudonym of Laura B. Bates]. Illustrations by A. F. Willmarth. 1903.
22. A Backward Glance at Eighty, by Charles A. Murdock. 1921. Limited edition of 250. Printed by Neal, Stratford & Kerr.
23. A Ball of Yarn; Its Unwinding, by Robert Rudd Whiting. Illustrations by Merle Johnson. 1907.
24. A Balloon Ascension at Midnight, by George Eli Hall. Illustrations by Gordon Ross. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited edition of 1175. Author’s autograph edition of 30 copies, 15 for sale, on vellum bound in full suede. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
25. Bamboo, by Lyon Sharman. 1914.
26. Behind the Garden Wall, by Robert Wallace. 1913. Illustrations by Elsinore Robinson Crowell.
27. Betel Nuts, by Arthur Guiterman. Frontispiece by Will Jenkins. 1907.
28. Biographical Interpretation of Tagore, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. Pamphlet. Date unknown.
29. Bird Notes Afield, by Charles Keeler. Elder & Shepard 1899, reprinted 1900. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co. Paul Elder 1907, reprinted 1915?
30. Birdalone Letters to Children, by Morgan Shepard. Elder & Shepard 1902. No printer given.
31. Black Brother, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #4.
32. Black Hawk, the Sky Pirate, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #3.
33. The Black Tulip, by Alexandre Dumas. 1907. Frontispiece by Stephen Reid. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by the Riverside Press, Edinburgh. Panel Books #19.
34. Blessings, by Agness Greene Foster. 1909. Bible Mosaics #5.
35. Blottentots, and How to Make Them, by J. Prosper Carmel [pseudonym of Raymond Carter]. 1907.
36. Blue Monday Book, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. 1905.
37. The Boers and the Uitlanders, by Mrs. John Hays Hammond. Elder & Shepard 1901. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
38. Bohemian San Francisco, by Clarence Edwords. 1914.
39. A Book of Hospitalities and a Record of Guests, by Arthur Guiterman. 1910. Embellishments by Charles Frank Ingerson.
40. Book of Nature, by Johnny Jones [pseudonym of Clara Walton]. 1903. Reprinted 1906.
41. The Building of the Ship, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1907. Introduction by Walter Taylor Field. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #4.
42. The Business Career in its Public Relations, by Albert Shaw. 1904.
43. By the Bay, by Lucia Etta Smith. Frontispiece from a basrelief by Bradetta L. Smith. 1909. Limited edition of 250.
44. By The Way, by Agness Greene Foster. Revised and enlarged edition, 1910. First edition previously published by Events Publishing Company, Chicago, 1903.
45. By the Western Sea, by Marshall Ilsley. Elder & Shepard 1898. Printed by C. A. Murdock.
46. California and The Opening of Gateway Between the Atlantic and the Pacific, by Margarita Porter Cutter [published anonymously]. Tomoye Press (Funke). October 1916.
47. California, a Poem, by Fred Emerson Brooks. Illustrations by Audley B. Wells. 1915.
48. California Gringos, by H. A. van Coenen Torchiana. 1930.
49. California the Beautiful, compiled by Paul Elder. 1911. Reprinted 1912, 1913, 1915?
50. A California Year Book, by Lucia Etta Smith. 1913.
51. The Call of the City, by Charles Mulford Robinson. Frontispiece by Colin Campbell Cooper. 1908.
52. Care and Feeding of the Infant, by G. D. Lyman. 1915.
53. The Case of Summerfield, by William H. Rhodes. Introduction by Geraldine Bonner. Frontispiece by Galen J. Perrett. 1907. Reprinted 1911. Western Classics #2.
54. Catalogue De Luxe of the Department of Fine Arts, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, edited by John E. D. Trask and J. Nilsen Laurvik. 1915. Two volumes. Limited edition of 1000.
55. Library of Charles W. Clark. Privately printed at the Tomoye Press (Nash), 1911.
56. A Century of Misquotations, by Mary B. Dimond. 1906.
57. Chant-Royal of California, by Gelett Burgess. Removed due to research error; this book was not published by Elder & Shepard.
58. Charity, compiled by Beulah Warner. 1911.
59. Charlotte R. Wright: Obituary, 19 June 1905, 1905.
60. The Child Andrea, by Karin Michaëlis. 1916. Translated from the Danish by J. Nilsen Laurvik. No printer given.
61. A Child’s Book of Abridged Wisdom, by Childe Harold [pseudonym of Edward Salisbury Field]. 1905.
62. The Children of the Thornwreath, by Gertrude LaPage. Illustrations by Marion Holden. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
63. A Chorus of Leaves, by Charles G. Blanden. 1905.
64. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #16.
65. Christmasse Tyde, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Frontispiece by Gordon Ross. Decorations by Spencer Wright. 1907.
66. Circe, by Isaac Flagg. 1917. Printed by the Roycrofters.
67. The City Loved Around the World, by James Henry MacLafferty. Date unknown.
68. The Clever Mouse, by Stella George Perry. 1916. Illustrations by Virginia Goodrich.
69. College Freshman’s Don’t Book, by G. Fullerton Evans. 1910.
70. College Girls’ Record, compiled by Virginia Woodson Frame. 1904. New editions 1908, 1911.
71. Comfort Found in Good Old Books, by George Hamlin Fitch. 1911. Reprinted 1911, 1913, 1916. Published simultaneously in New York by Barse & Hopkins.
72. Commands, by Agness Greene Foster. 1905. Bible Mosaics #2.
73. Complete Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1906, by Ethel Watts Mumford, Oliver Herford and Addison Mizner. 1905.
74. The Complete Cynic, by Oliver Herford, Ethel Watts Mumford and Addison Mizner. 1910.
75. The Confessions of Rousseau, by Jean Jacques Rousseau. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Introduction by Hesketh Miles. Printed by Cowan and Co., Ltd., Perth. Panel Books #14.
76. Consolatio, by Raymond Macdonald Alden. 1904.
77. The Cotter’s Saturday Night And Other Poems, by Robert Burns. 1907. Introduction by Walter Taylor Field. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #1.
78. Cranford, by Elizabeth Gaskell. 1907. Frontispiece by A. E. Jackson. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #10.
79. The Critic in the Occident, by George Hamlin Fitch. 1913.
80. The Critic in the Orient, by George Hamlin Fitch. 1913.
81. A Critique of Socialism, by Edward F. Adams. 1905.
82. A Cycle of Gleanings, compiled by Ella Blake Stone. 1909. Limited edition of 100.
83. Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1904, by Oliver Herford, Ethel Watts Mumford and Addison Mizner. 1903.
84. Decisive Battles of the World, by Edward Creasy. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #5.
85. The Devil on Two Sticks, by Alain René Le Sage. 1907. Frontispiece by Harold Pissard. Introduction by Malcolm Hine. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #6.
86. Dicky Swift, the Squirrel: His Escape, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #8.
87. Dolly Days and Dolly Ways, by Abbie Nova Smith. 1916. No printer given.
88. Dolores of the Sierra, by Harriet Holmes Haslett. 1917. No printer given.
89. Don Juan, by Lord Byron. 1907. Frontispiece by Alec C. Bell. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #2.
90. Drawing Room Plays, by Grace Luce Irwin. 1903.
91. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #22.
92. Elements of Aviation Engines, by John B. F. Bacon. 1918.
93. Elizabethan Humours and the Comedy of Ben Jonson, by The Leland Stanford Junior English Club of Stanford University. Cover artwork by Henry R. Johnson. 1905.
94. Enoch Arden, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #19.
95. The Entirely New Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1905, by Ethel Watts Mumford, Oliver Herford and Addison Mizner. 1904.
96. Eric’s Book of Beasts, by David Starr Jordan. Illustrations by Shimada Sekko. 1912.
97. Errors of Thought in Science, Religion and Social Life, by St. George [pseudonym of Mabel P. Malter]. 1911.
98. Fairy Tales Up-to-Now, by Wallace Irwin. 1904.
99. Far Countries As Seen By a Boy, by M. Beecher Longyear. 1916.
100. Fear Not, compiled by Delia J. Desel. 1906.
101. Feastday Dishes and Everyday Graces, by Isabel Goodhue. 1911.
102. A First Glance at the Birds, by Charles Keeler. Elder & Shepard 1899. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
103. The Flight of Helen, and Other Poems, by Warren Cheney. Elder & Shepard 1901. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
104. Flowers from Mediaeval History, by Minnie D. Kellogg. 1911.
105. The Foot of the Rainbow, by Myrtle Glenn Roberts. Decorations by Douglas H. Hilliker. 1914
106. The Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition, by Cora Lenore Williams. Illustrations by Gertrude Partington. Poetry by Ormeida Curtis Harrison. Cover by Julia Manchester Mackie. 1916.
107. Friendship, compiled by Paul Elder. Elder & Shepard 1901, reprinted 1902. Paul Elder 1904, reprinted 1910. Mosaic Essays #1.
108. Friendship and Love, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #5.
109. The Galleries of the Exposition, by Eugen Neuhaus. 1915.
110. The Garden Book of California, by Belle Sumner Angier. Decorations by Spencer Wright. 1906
111. Genealogical Record of the Wethered Family, compiled by James Sykes Wethered. Elder & Shepard 1898. No printer given.
112. The Golden Crucible, by Blake Ross. 1930. Limited edition of 125, trade edition of 1000.
113. Good Things and Graces, by Isabel Goodhue. 1905. Reprinted 1911.
114. The Great Small Cat and Others, by May E. Southworth. Decorations by Pedro J. Lemos. 1914.
115. Great Spiritual Writers of America, by George Hamlin Fitch. 1916.
116. The Green Knight, by Porter Garnett. Music by Edward Stricklen. A Bohemian Grove play. 1911. Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor.
117. Guest Book, by Arthur Guiterman. Illustrations by Robert Wilson Hyde. 1908. Published simultaneously in New York by Barse & Hopkins.
118. Half-True Stories, by Stanton Davis Kirkham. 1916.
119. Hap Hazard Quotations, by L. E. B. [pseudonym of Mrs. Louise E. Shackelford Boggs]. Elder & Shepard 1900. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
120. Happiness, compiled by Paul Elder. 1903. Reprinted 1911. Mosaic Essays #3.
121. Hawaii Fair, by Philip N. Dodge. Elder & Shepard 1899. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
122. The Heritage of Hiroshige, by Dora Amsden and John Stewart Happer. 1912.
123. Heroism and Character, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #6.
124. High Living, compiled by L. L. McLaren. 1905. Reprinted 1907.
125. His Calculations, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard c1902. Baby Roland Booklets #5. No printer given.
126. Holland, An Historical Essay, by H. A. van Coenen Torchiana. 1915.
127. The House in Mallorca, by Ernest Ingold. Decorations by Mallette Dean. 1950. Limited edition of 950. Printed by Taylor & Taylor.
128. The House That Jack Built, by Robert Wilson Hyde. 1904.
129. How to Fly, by Captain D. Gordon E. Re Vley. Arranged by Glad Lewis. 1917.
130. How to Tell the Birds From the Flowers, by Robert Williams Wood. Illustrations by the author. 1907. Valentine edition 1908.
131. The Hump Tree Stories, by Mary Joss Jones. Illustrations by R. L. Hudson. 1910. Combined volume.
132. Humper, The Green Worm, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #2.
133. The Idea, and Other Allegories, by John D. Barry. 1913.
134. Identified, by Vittel? 1918. [This item may not exist.]
135. Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 1907. Frontispiece by Stephen Reid. Introduction by Gilbert Fell. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts & Co. Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #16.
136. Impressions of Ukiyo-Ye, by Dora Amsden. 1905. Corrected edition 1907.
137. In Company, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard 1903. Baby Roland Booklets #4. No printer given.
138. In Lighter Vein, by John de Morgan. Frontispiece by Merle Johnson. 1907.
139. In the Open, by Stanton Davis Kirkham. 1908.
140. In the Realms of Gold, by Lorenzo Sosso. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited edition of 500. Printed by C. A. Murdock.
141. The Inhumanity of Socialism, by Edward F. Adams. 1913. No printer given.
142. Intimations, by John D. Barry. 1913. Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor.
143. Into the Light, by Edward Robeson Taylor. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co. Paul Elder 1911. Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor.
144. Islanded, by Dwight Strickland. 1933. Limited edition of 250, plus 26 copies on handmade paper. Printed by Thing Wan Printing Company.
145. Items of Family History. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited edition of 24. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
146. Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Bowe, by Ben Blow. 1917. Printed by Taylor & Taylor.
147. Jingles of a Happy Mother Goose, by Emma S. Seale. Illustrations by Gertrude Marin. 1911.
148. Joan of Arc, by J. H. McLaren. 1916.
149. Joke Book Note Book, by Ethel Watts Mumford. 1905.
150. The Last Mile-Stone, by Emma R. Saylor. Frontispiece by Norman D. Edwards. Cover design by Rudolf F. Schaeffer. 1917.
151. Laurel Hill. Pamphlet. c1937.
152. Lavender and Other Verse, by Edward Robeson Taylor. 1910. Limited edition of 230.
153. Layla-Majnu, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. Introduction by Prof. Arthur Upham Pope. 1916.
154. A Letter to the Little, by W. S. Wright. 1904.
155. Chesterfield’s Letters to His Son, by Lord Chesterfield. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #4.
156. Letters to Lady Hamilton, by Horatio Nelson. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printer unknown. Panel Books #12.
157. The Life of a Successful Banker, by His Boswell [pseudonym of Samuel Green Murphy]. 1905. Limited edition of 55.
158. The Life of “Beau” Nash, by Oliver Goldsmith. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Colston & Coy, Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #3.
159. Light Through the Valley, by James Henry McLafferty. 1910.
160. Lima Beans, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard c1902. Baby Roland Booklets #3. No printer given.
161. The Limerick Up to Date, by Ethel Watts Mumford. Illustrations by Ethel Watts Mumford and Addison Mizner. 1903.
162. Little Bronze Playfellows, by Stella George Perry. 1915.
163. The Little Brown Hen Hears the Song of the Nightingale, by Jasmine Stone Van Dresser. Introduction by Margaret Beecher White. Illustrations by William T. Van Dresser. 1908.
164. The Little Lad of Bethlehem Town, by Emily Clark Huntington Miller. 1911.
165. A Long Tale of a Short Tail, by John Tailor [pseudonym of Morgan Shepard]. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
166. Love, compiled by Paul Elder. 1905. Mosaic Essays #2.
167. Love & Friendship, by Lillyan Shaffner. 1910. Decorations by Harold Sichel.
168. The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor, by Wallace Irwin. 1908.
169. Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum, by Wallace Irwin. Introduction by Gelett Burgess. Elder & Shepard trade edition, 1902. Author’s autograph edition of 103 copies, 100 for sale, on parchment bound in half parchment, 1902. Printed by Stanley- Taylor Co. Reissued by Paul Elder & Co. 1903, reprinted 1907?
170. Luminiferous Miss Tadlets, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #6.
171. The Lure of San Francisco, by Elizabeth Gray Potter and Mabel Thayer Gray. Illustrations by Audley B. Wells. 1915.
172. Mary Blue & Brown-Man, by Morgan Shepard. Elder & Shepard 1900. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
173. The Maxims of Napoleon, by Napoleon Bonaparte. 1907. Introduction by Harold F. B. Wheeler. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #20.
174. Matins and Vespers, by Violet M. Firth. Tomoye Press (Nash), 1911.
175. The Matrimonial Primer, by V. B. Ames. 1905.
176. Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Anthony Hamilton. 1907. Introduction by Walter Scott. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #1.
177. A Memory, by Phebe E. Spalding. c1903.
178. Men’s College Record, by Wallace Irwin. Illustrations by Gordon Ross. 1903.
179. The Menehunes, by Emily Foster Day. Illustrations by Spencer Wright. 1905.
180. Messages from Mother, by Adeline Drinkwater Morton. 1913.
181. Messages to Mothers, by Herman Partsch. 1908.
182. Midnight Feasts: Two Hundred & Two Salads and Chafingdish Recipes, by May E. Southworth. 1914.
183. Milton, by Thomas Babington Macaulay. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #11.
184. The Ministry of Beauty, by Stanton Davis Kirkham. 1907.
185. Modern English Books of Power, by George Hamlin Fitch. 1912.
186. Moods and Other Verses, by Edward Robeson Taylor. Elder & Shepard 1899. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
187. Moods and Outdoor Verses, by Richard Askham. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Ballantyne Hanson & Co. Published simultaneously in England by R. Brimley Johnson.
188. Mosaic Essays, by Paul Elder. Decorations by Robert Wilson Hyde. 1906.
189. The Mother of California, by Arthur Walbridge North. Introduction by Cyrus C. Adams. 1908.
190. Mr. High-Hopper Grasshopper, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #1.
191. Mr. Slimkins, by Helen Virginia Anthony. Illustrations by the author. 1917.
192. Mrs. Wriggles in the Swamp-Grass Country, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #5.
193. My Favorite Book-Shelf, by Charles Josselyn. 1903.
194. My Soul & Winter’s, by Laura M. Smith Greer. Elder & Shepard 1901.
195. My Soul’s Cathedral, by James Henry MacLafferty. 1910.
196. Nature, compiled by Paul Elder. 1903. Mosaic Essays #5.
197. Nature and Science on the Pacific Coast, by American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Coast Committee, Joseph Grinnell, editor. 1915. No printer given.
198. New Footprints in Old Places, by Pauline Stiles. Cover design by Rudolph F. Schaeffer. 1917
199. Nina Jones, Her Book, by Nina Jones. Tomoye Press (Funke), 1916.
200. No Sects in Heaven, by Mrs. E. H. J. Cleaveland (Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn). Elder & Shepard trade edition, 1902. Author’s autograph edition of 75 copies on vellum, bound in flexible suede, 1902. Printed by the Twentieth Century Press (Nash). First published in 1869 by Clark & Maynard, New York.
201. A Noted Mother and Daughter, by Nellie Blessing Eyster. 1909. Limited edition of 200.
202. Obil, Keeper of Camels, by Lucia Chase Bell. 1910.
203. Observations of Jay (a Dog) and Other Stories, by Morgan Shepard. Elder & Shepard 1900. Printed by C. A. Murdock.
204. Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity, by John Milton. 1907. Introduction by Walter Taylor Field. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #2.
205. Oh Erin My Home, by Florence Kellett. 1916.
206. Old Christmas, by Washington Irving. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #13.
207. The Old Spanish Missions of California, by Paul Elder. 1913. Reprinted 1915, 1917.
208. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. 1907. Frontispiece by W. Dewar. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #8.
209. Omega et Alpha, by Greville d’Arville [pseudonym of Grenville Stevens Pettis]. Elder & Shepard 1899. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
210. On the Laws of Japanese Painting, by Henry P. Bowie. Preface by Iwaya Sazanami and Hirai Kinza. Drawings by Shimada Sekko. Author’s autograph edition, 100 copies, 1911. Trade edition 1911. Reprinted 1916.
On Seeing an Elizabethan Play, see True Historie of the Knyght of the Burning Pestle
211. One Hundred & One Beverages, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. 101 Epicurean Thrills #7.
212. One Hundred & One Candies, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. Reprinted 1906, 1911? 101 Epicurean Thrills #8.
213. One Hundred & One Chafing-Dish Recipes, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. Revised edition 1906. 101 Epicurean Thrills #3.
214. One Hundred & One Desserts, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. Reprinted 1911. 101 Epicurean Thrills #6.
215. One Hundred & One Entrees, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. Reprinted 1908, 1911? 101 Epicurean Thrills #9.
216. One Hundred & One Entries, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1911. [Removed due to research error; this is checklist title #215]
217. One Hundred & One Layer Cakes, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1908. 101 Epicurean Thrills #10.
218. One Hundred & One Mexican Dishes, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1906. Reprinted 1914. 101 Epicurean Thrills #4.
219. One Hundred & One Oyster Recipes, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1907. [Removed due to research error; this is checklist title #223]
220. One Hundred & One Salads, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1904. Reprinted 1906. 101 Epicurean Thrills #2.
221. One Hundred & One Sandwiches, compiled by May E. Southworth. Elder & Shepard 1902. Paul Elder 1906, 1911? 101 Epicurean Thrills #1.
222. One Hundred & One Sauces, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1906. 101 Epicurean Thrills #5.
223. One Hundred & One Ways of Serving Oysters, compiled by May E. Southworth. 1907. 101 Epicurean Thrills #11.
224. Our Flag, by Lorenzo Sosso. c1902. Four-page folder.
225. Out of Bondage, by Fanny Hodges Newman. 1913. Limited edition of 250. Trade edition 1914?
226. Outlines, by John D. Barry. 1913.
227. The Palace of Fine Arts and Lagoon, by Bernard Maybeck. Introduction by Frank Morton Todd. 1915.
228. The Panama-Pacific International Exposition, by Eugen Neuhaus, et al. 1915. [Removed due to research error; this item may not exist]
229. The Passing of an Oak, by Mary Sullivan Spence. Limited edition of twelve copies. 1909.
230. Patience and Her Garden, by Ida Smith Decker. 1910. Reprinted 1913.
231. The Perfectly Good Cynic’s Calendar 1909, by Ethel Watts Mumford, Oliver Herford and Addison Mizner. 1908.
232. Persephone, by Isaac Flagg. 1916. Printed by the Roycrofters.
233. The Philosophy of Despair, by David Starr Jordan. Elder & Shepard trade edition 1902, reprinted 1902. Autograph edition of 103 copies, 100 for sale, on vellum bound in decorated parchment, 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
234. The Philosophy of Hope, by David Starr Jordan. 1907. Reprinted 1908, 1909.
235. The Philosophy of Ingersoll, by Robert G. Ingersoll. Edited by Vere Goldthwaite. 1906. Reprinted 1913.
236. Sheridan’s Plays, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 1907. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. No printer listed. Panel Books #7.
237. Poem Delivered at the Dedication of the Pan-American Exposition, by Robert Cameron Rogers. 1901. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
238. Poems, by Irenè Hardy. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by C. A. Murdock.
239. Poor Richard’s Almanac, by Benjamin Franklin. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #9.
240. The Potato Child & Others, by Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury. Frontispiece after a bas-relief by Elizabeth Ferrea. 1910.
241. The Power of Mental Demand and Other Essays, by Herbert Edward Law. 1914. Reprinted 1916.
242. The President’s War Message, by Woodrow Wilson. 1917. No printer given.
243. The Princess of Manoa, by Mrs. Frank R. (Emily Foster) Day. Illustrations by D. Howard Hitchcock. 1906.
244. Professor Bernhardi, by Arthur Schnitzler. 1913.
245. Promises, by Agness Greene Foster. 1905. Bible Mosaics #1.
246. Prosit, edited by Clotho [pseudonym of the Spinners’ Club]. Frontispiece by Gordon Ross. 1904. Reprinted 1909.
247. The Psychological Year Book, by Janet M. Young. 1904. New edition 1905, reprinted 1907.
248. The Psychological Year Book Complete, by Janet M. Young. 1911.
249. Quatrains of Christ, by George Creel. Preface by Julian Hawthorne. 1908.
250. The Quest of the Gorgon, by Newton J. Tharp. Music by Theodor Vogt. A Bohemian Grove play. 1905.
251. The Quite New Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1908, by Ethel Watts Mumford, Oliver Herford and Addison Mizner. 1907.
252. Rab and His Friends, and Marjorie Fleming, by Dr. John Brown. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #15. [The cover and title page incorrectly read “Majorie Fleming” ]
253. The Raising of the American Steamship Republic. 1916.
254. Rajani, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. 1916.
255. The Raven, and The Philosophy of Composition, by Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrations by Galen J. Perrett. Decorations by Will Jenkins. 1907. Limited edition of 1000.
256. Recipe For a Happy Life, by Margaret of Navarre. Compiled by Marie West King. 1911.
257. Reflections and Moral Maxims, by François duc de La Rochefoucauld. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #3.
258. The Religion of Democracy, by Charles Ferguson. Elder & Shepard 1900.
259. The Remarkable Adventures of the Little Boy Pip, by Philip W. Francis. Illustrations by Merle Johnson. 1907.
260. The Return, by J. Malmesbury Wright. 1914. Limited edition of 500.
261. The Revived Cynic’s Calendar, by Mrs. Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant, Addison Mizner and Oliver Herford. 1917. No printer given.
262. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1907. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #5. [This item probably does not exist.]
263. Rip Van Winkle and Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #14.
264. Rodari, Sculptor, by Virginia Pennoyer. Elder & Shepard 1901. No printer given.
265. The Romance of the Commonplace, by Gelett Burgess. Elder & Shepard trade edition 1902. Author’s autograph edition of 93 copies, 90 for sale, on Ruisdael hand-made paper bound in half-parchment, and 13 copies, 10 for sale, on vellum bound in full levant, 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
266. The Rout of the Frost King, by Eugène Neustadt. 1914. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
267. The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, Jr., by Wallace Irwin. Elder & Shepard trade edition, 1902. Author’s autograph edition of 103 copies, 100 for sale, on parchment bound in half parchment, 1902. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
268. Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, by Edward Fitzgerald. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #18.
269. Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám, by Edward Fitzgerald. 1909. Reprinted 1911. With “The Literal Omar,” edited by Arthur Guiterman. Illustrations by Gilbert James. Decorations by Harold Sichel.
270. Salambo, by Gustave Flaubert. 1907. Frontispiece by James Durden. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Cowan and Co., Ltd., Perth. Panel Books #17.
271. The San Diego Garden Fair, by Eugen Neuhaus. 1916.
272. San Francisco: As It Was, As It Is, and How To See It, by Helen Throop Purdy. 1912. Reprinted 1915.
273. San Francisco Through Earthquake and Fire, by Charles Keeler. 1906.
274. Sandhya, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. 1917.
275. Sapho, by Alphonse Daudet. 1907. Frontispiece by Howard Somerville. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #13.
276. The School For Scandal, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #23.
277. Scientific Singing, by E. Standard Thomas. 1916.
278. The Sculpture and Mural Decorations of the Exposition, by Stella G. S. Perry. Introduction by A. Sterling Calder. 1915.
279. The Sea-Fogs, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Introduction by Thomas Rutherford Bacon. Frontispiece by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 1907. Western Classics #1. Limited edition of 1000. Reprinted 1911.
280. The Secrets of Beauty & Mysteries of Health, by Cora Brown Potter. 1908.
281. Selections from Fénelon, by François Fénelon. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #2.
282. Selections from Leaves of Grassby Walt Whitman. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #21.
283. Selections from Marcus Aurelius, by Marcus Aurelius. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #1.
284. Selections from ‘Narrative Poems,’ by [Robert?] Browning. 1907. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #6. [This item probably does not exist.]
285. A Sentimental Journey, by Laurence Sterne. 1907. Frontispiece by Thomas Stothard. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Introduction by Wolmer Whyte. Printed by Walter Watts and Co., Ltd., Leicester. Panel Books #18.
286. A Sermon on the Glory of the Human Body, by Rev. Henry E. O’Keefe. c1902.
287. A Sermon for the Lonely, by Rev. Henry E. O’Keefe. c1902.
288. Seven Maids of Far Cathay, compiled by Bing Ding [pseudonym of Mary Forman Ledyard]. 1916.
289. She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #24.
290. Silas Marner, by George Eliot. 1907. Frontispiece by Sydney Pride. Introduction by Frank Banfield. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by Neill & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh. Panel Books #4.
291. The Silva of California, by Willie Linn Jepson. 1910. Removed due to research error; this book was not published by Paul Elder.
292. The Simple Home, by Charles Keeler. 1904.
293. Sir Roger de Coverley, by Joseph Addison. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #12.
294. Slumber Sea Chanteys, by Lucia Chase Bell and Rita Bell James. Music by Carrie Stone Freeman. Illustrations by Rita Bell James. 1910. No printer given.
295. Small Talks on Auction Bridge, by Virginia Meyer. 1910. Reprinted 1911.
296. Small Talks on Bridge, by Virginia Meyer. 1911.
297. Small Talks on Card Games, by Virginia Meyer. 1913.
298. Snow-bound, by John Greenleaf Whittier. 1907. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #8. [This item probably does not exist.]
299. The Social Rubá’iyát of a Bud, by Mrs. Ambrose Madison Willis. Illustrations by Elsie A. Harrison. 1913.
300. Some Childrens Letters About Wild Animals I Have Known, by Ernest Seton Thompson. Elder & Shepard 1899.
301. Some Recollections of a Busy Life, by Thomas S. Hawkins. 1913. Limited edition of 300.
302. Some World Circuit Saunterings, by William F. Nichols. 1913.
303. A Son of the Gods and A Horseman in the Sky, by Ambrose Bierce. Frontispiece by Will Jenkins. Introduction by W. C. Morrow. 1907. Western Classics #4. Limited edition of 1000. Reprinted 1911.
304. Songs of Content, by Ralph E. Gibbs. Introduction by Charles Mills Gayley. 1903. Second edition 1911.
305. Songs of Faith, by Florence M. Schmidt. 1911.
306. Songs of Nature Love and Life, by John Wood Northup. 1916.
307. Songs of the Press and Other Adventures in Verse, by Bailey Millard. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by C. A. Murdock.
308. Sonnets, by Fanny Purdy Palmer. 1909.
309. Sonnets and Lyrics, by Nancy K. Foster. 1917.
310. Sonnets from the Crimea, by Adam Mickiewicz. Translated by Edna Worthley Underwood. 1917.
311. Sonnets from the Portuguese, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1907. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #7. [This item probably does not exist.]
312. Sonnets from the Portuguese, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #17.
313. Sonnets From the Portuguese, With Lyric Interludes, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited by Arthur Guiterman. Decorations by Harold Sichel. 1910. Limited edition of 1600. Trade edition 1910.
314. Sonnets From the Trophies of Jose-Maria de Heredia, by Jose-Maria de Heredia. Translated by Edward Robeson Taylor. Elder & Shepard trade edition, 1902. Author’s autograph edition of 350 copies, 1902. Paul Elder & Co., 1906. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
315. The Soul of an Artist, by Neera [pseudonym of Anna Zuccari Radius]. Translated by E. L. Murison. Introduction by L. D. Ventura. 1905. Reprinted 1906.
316. The Soul of Woman, by Paul Jordan Smith. 1916.
317. Souls and Other Poems, by Glen Hughes. 1917.
318. Sovereign Woman Versus Mere Man, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. 1905. Reprinted 1906.
319. The Sphinx and Other Poems, by William H. Hudson. Elder & Shepard 1900. Limited edition of 300. Printed by Charles A. Murdock.
320. Spinners’ Book of Fiction, by the Spinners’ Club. 1907.
321. Spots: or 202 Cleansers, compiled by Clarice Town Courvoisier. 1906. Reprinted 1910.
322. Square Beasts and Curved, by G. A. Harker. 1911.
323. The Standard Upheld and Other Verses, by Morgan Shepard. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited edition of 550. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co.
324. Starr King in California, by William Day Simonds. 1917.
325. Stories of the Old Missions of California, by Charles Franklin Carter. Illustrations by William H. Wilke. 1917.
326. The Story of the Mission Santa Cruz, by H. A. van Coenen Torchiana. 1933.
327. Stray Leaves, by Mary P. Murphy. 1904. Limited edition of 50. Privately printed.
328. Success, compiled by Paul Elder. 1903. Mosaic Essays #4.
329. Sunday Symphonies, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. 1907.
330. The Surrender of Santiago, by Frank Norris. 1917.
331. Sweetness and Light, by Matthew Arnold. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #7.
332. Syllogisms, composed by Lee Washington. 1907. Reprinted in 1911.
333. The Tahquitch Maiden, by Phebe Estelle Spalding. 1911.
334. A Tale From the Rainbow Land, by Katherine M. Yates. Illustrations by Audley B. Wells. 1914.
335. Tales from the Decamerone, by Boccaccio. 1907. Introduction by Gilbert Landor. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printed by the Riverside Press Ltd, Edinburgh. Panel Books #11.
336. Teddy Sunbeam, by Charlotte Grace Sperry. Illustrations by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 1905.
337. Tennessee’s Partner, by Bret Harte. Introduction by William Dallam Armes. Frontispiece by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 1907. Western Classics #3. Limited edition of 1000. Reprinted 1911.
338. Textiles and Costume Design, by Evelyn Peters Ellsworth. 1917.
339. Thoughts and Extracts on Christ and His Kingdom Come, by Juliette Alexander. 1916.
340. To Arms, by Edward Robeson Taylor. 1917.
341. To Friendship, by Agness Greene Foster. 1910.
342. The Tocsin, by Esther Brown Tiffany. Decorations by Harold Sichel? 1909. Limited edition of 350.
343. Tony’s White Room, by Winifred Rich. 1911.
344. A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country, by Thomas Dykes Beasley. 1914.
345. The True Historie of the Knyght of the Burning Pestle, by the English Club of Stanford University. Elder & Shepard 1903.
346. The Twins and the Whys, by Susan F. Thompson. 1906.
347. Two Poems, by Leigh Hunt. 1904. Privately printed, Tomoye Press (Nash).
348. The Universal Order, by Friederika Quitman Ogden. 1915.
349. Upland Pastures, by Adeline Knapp. 1904. Limited edition of 1200.
350. The Vanished Ruin Era, by Louis J. Stellman. 1910.
351. Verses From Many Seas, by Fred Carpenter Warner. c1914.
352. Verses of an Idle Hour, by Robert Paine Scripps. 1917. Limited edition of 100.
353. Vespers, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard 1902. Baby Roland Booklets #1. No printer given.
354. Victory Crowned, by Page Fellowes. 1916. Introduction by Horatio W. Dresser.
355. Virginibus Puerisque, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Co. Paul Elder c1903, printed at Tomoyé Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #8.
356. The Vision of Sir Launfal, by James Russell Lowell. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #20.
357. The Vision of Sir Launfal, by James Russell Lowell. 1907. Introduction by Walter Taylor Field. Printer unknown. Abbey Classics #3.
358. The Voice of the Scholar, by David Starr Jordan. 1903. Reprinted 1905?
359. Wayfarers In Italy, by Katherine Hooker. Elder & Shepard 1902. Limited editions of 100 and 300, on Ruisdael hand-made paper, with photographs on vellum. Printed by Stanley-Taylor Co. Sold to, and published later that year, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
360. Weather Opinions, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Decorated by Spencer Wright. Frontispiece by Gordon Ross. 1907.
361. West Winds, edited by Herman Whitaker. 1914.
362. What is a Kindergarten?, by George Hansen. Elder & Shepard 1901. Printed by Louis Roesch Co.
363. Where Dwells the Soul Serene, by Stanton Davis Kirkham. 1907. Reprinted 1909.
364. Widows Grave and Otherwise, compiled by Cora D. Willmarth. Illustrations by A. F. Willmarth. 1903.
365. William Keith As Prophet Painter, by Emily P. B. Hay. 1916.
366. Winky-Pink the Butterfly, by Mary Joss Jones. 1910. Hump Tree Stories #7.
367. Winter Butterflies in Bolinas, by Mary D. Barber. Decorations by Rudolph F. Schaeffer. 1918.
368. Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith, by Sydney Smith. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #10. [The cover and title page incorrectly read “Sidney Smith” ]
369. Womanhood in Art, by Phebe Estelle Spalding. 1905.
370. Wonders of the Deep, by Johnny Jones [pseudonym of Clara Walton]. 1906. Reprinted 1911?
371. The Works of Jesus, by Edna S. Little. Cover by Frances W. Delehanty. 1909.
372. Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. 1907. Embellishments by Edgar Wilson. Printer unknown. Panel Books #15.
373. Ye Gardeyne Boke, compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Decorations by Spencer Wright. 1906.
374. A Yosemite Flora, by Harvey Monroe Hall and Carlotta Case Hall. 1912. Printed by Taylor, Nash & Taylor.
375. Yosemite Legends, by Bertha H. Smith. Illustrations by Florence Lundborg. 1904.
376. You & Some Others, by Agness Greene Foster. Decorations by Will Jenkins. 1907. Reprinted 1909.

Added in Second Printing, February 2000

377. Our Widening Thought of God, by Charles Sumner Nash. 1914.
378. Sonnets of Spinsterhood, by Snow Longley. Decorations by Audley B. Wells. 1915.

Added in Third Printing, September 2001

379. An Angel Unaware, by Julia P. Churchill. Illustrations by Evelyn Almond Withrow. 1911.
380. Cynic’s Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1903, by Oliver Herford, Ethel Watts Mumford and Addison Mizner. Elder & Shepard 1902. Printed by Twentieth Century Press.
381. The Holy Grail, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #35.
382. Little Voyages of Life, by Charlotte M. Eddy. Illustrations by Elisabeth Hughes. 1922. Printed by James J. Gillick.

Added in Second Edition, January 2004

383. Flowers of Fate, by K. D. Lewis, 1904.
384. Good Things, by Isabel Goodhue. Decorated by Walter Francis. 1911.
385. The House That Berg Built, 1904. Designed by W. S. Wright. Limited edition of 100.
386. Last Will & Testament of Charles Lounsbury, 1917.
387. Lest We Forget, by Nathan Beach. Limited edition of 50. Priately printed. 1911.
388. The Master Came, by Phebe Estelle Spalding. 1906.
389. The Rejuvenescence of Eugenia, by Phyllis Farnham. 1916.
390. A Sketch of the History of the Association of Collegiate Alumnæ California Branch, by Caroline Cooke Jackson, Katherine Chandler and Elise Wenzelburger Graupner. 1911.
391. Small Talks on Conquian, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
392. Small Talks on Five Hundred and Auction Five Hundred, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
393. Small Talks on How to Become a Good Card Player, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
394. Small Talks on a Patience Group, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
395. Small Talks on Pinocle and Auction Pinocle, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
396. Small Talks on Royal or “Lily” Auction, by Virginia M. Meyer. c1913.
397. Virginia Whiting Newhall, Jr., by Virginia Whiting Newhall, 1915. Limited edition.
398. Will o’ the Mill, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #29.
399. A Woodside Reminiscence, as told by Grizzly Ryder to Cutler Bonestell. Privately published. 1920.

Added on the website since February 2010

400. The Supremacy of God’s Law, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #1
401. milk rhythm flame, by Nicholai Hetrovo. 1937.
402. Knowing the Truth, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #2
403. God’s Ever Presence, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #3
404. Addresses and Anecdotes, by Napoleon Bonaparte. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #25
405. Selections from Prose, by Honore de Balzac. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #26
406. Poems of Sentiment, by Lord Byron. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #27
407. Some Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #28
408. Men and Women, by Robert Browning. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #30
409. The Destruction of Pompeii, by Edward Bulwer. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #31
410. Golden Wings, by William Morris. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #32
411. Evangeline, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #33
412. Selections from Epictetus, by Epictetus. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #34
413. Selected Poems, by John Boyle O’Reilly. Elder & Shepard 1902, printed by Stanley-Taylor Company. Paul Elder & Company 1904, printed by Tomoye Press. Introduction by William A. Hovey. Frontispiece by Adrien Marcel. Impression Classics #36
414. The Open Door, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #4
415. The Truth, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #5
416. The Divine Idea, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #6
417. Forgiveness, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #7
418. Material Needs, compiled by Paul Elder. 1913. Vest Pocket Helps #8
419. Mr Pickwick Is Sued For Breach Of Promise, by Charles Dickens. 1907. Langham Library of Humour #1. Simultaneously published by Siegle Hill & Co., London and Musson Book Company Ltd., Toronto. Perhaps also printed by Siegle, Hill & Co.
420. The Jolly Beggars, by Robert Burns. 1907. Langham Library of Humour #2. Simultaneously published by Siegle Hill & Co., London and Musson Book Company Ltd., Toronto. Perhaps also printed by Siegle, Hill & Co.
421. The Adventurous Bowman, by Maud Adams Roberts. 1915. Privately printed.